The following is a list kabhi jo badal barse na dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar ke tu lage mujhe pehli that you can download for free without the need for registration, just click the download mp3 or mp4 button, you can also see sample songs and videos of kabhi jo badal barse na dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar ke tu lage mujhe pehli by clicking the play button. We provide these kabhi jo badal barse na dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar ke tu lage mujhe pehli in various formats, namely mp3 and mp4 with different qualities ranging from lowest to highest.
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Kabhi jo badal barse, mai dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar k, tu lage mujhe pehli barish ki dua. Kabhi jo badal barse main dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar ke tu lage mujhe pehli barish ki du tere pehlu me rah loon khud ko pagal keh gam de ya khushiy. Kabhi jo badal barse, mai dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar k, tu lage mujhe pehli barish ki dua.
Kabhi jo badal barse mai dekhu tujhe. Song kabhi jo badal barse, mai dekhu tujhe aankhe bhar ktu lage mujhe pehli barish ki dua. Tere pehlu me reh lu,mai khud ko pagal keh lu, gam de khushiyan s.
Tere pehlu me reh lu,mai khud ko pagal keh lu, gam de khushiyan s.